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Showing posts from August, 2017

Donald Trump is a product of islamphobia

 Donald Trump is a product of Islamophobia i am a Muslim and i support Donald trump west NEED one more HITLER Jews created Islamophobia for their own advantage for ISRAEL name the few Zionist's Pamela Geller, SAM Harris, bill maher , David Horowitz Donald trump and rise of right wing fascism in Europe / west AGAINST Muslims is a product of Islamophobia NOW Jews AFRAID of monsters they created anti-Muslim Donald trump and rise of right wing fascism in Europe / west Jesus: "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." is it Islamophobia good or bad for Muslims? GOOD, i know it is hard to understand Islamophobia is a SHOCK therapy for Muslims to reform themselves WE NEEDED THAT ! Islamophobia is BAD for our enemies, Islamophobia could bring civil war AMONG white race IF civil war AMONG white race did happened in future god have mercy on the Jews even if Donald trump did not became president of America SOON one day another Donald t...

Early human slavery was NECESSARY

Early human slavery was NECESSARY Early human slavery was NECESSARY for human progress Early human did not invented money and no one work for other people so without man power human could not make progress all past GREAT civilization built on slave workers slavery responsible for civilizing human allah did NOT condemn slavery because of that reason but make a way to abolish slavery by freeing them since allah is all knowing, he knows that human slavery is responsible for civilizing human, so allah cant condemn something that civilized human incest and slavery was not bad for EARLY human because incest was NECESSITY for population growth and slave workers for progress GOD IS GREAT

Sex with Slave and Concubine in Islam?

Sex with Slave and Concubine in Islam? Below verse saying Muslims to marry slave women An-Nisaa, Chapter #4, Verse #24) ) And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you. Lawful unto you are all beyond those mentioned, so that ye seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery. And those of whom ye seek content (by marrying them), give unto them their portions as a duty. And there is no sin for you in what ye do by mutual agreement after the duty (hath been done). Lo! Allah is ever Knower, Wise. (3)  And whoso is not able to afford to marry free, believing women, let them marry from the believing maids whom your right hands possess . Allah knoweth best (concerning) your faith. Ye (proceed) one from another; so wed them by permission of their folk, and give unto them their portions in kindness, they being honest, not debauched nor of loose conduct. And if when th...

People who are potential atheist

People who are potential atheist 1) An angry person 2) A person with depression 3) A rebellious person who cant obey God's order 4) A LGBTQ person 5) A person who lost loved one 6) A person who want guilt-free sex from religious dogma 7) A person who has lots of money 8) A person who think they knows everything in the universe 9) A person who think science has answer for everything 10) A person who think God is a eight foot tall white man with white beard 11) A person with low IQ 12) A person who has FAITH in scientists 13) A person who think they can refute anything 14) A person who is having hardship in life and he/she blame on God 15) A person who think religion cause war, bloodshed and atheists will bring peace on earth 16) A person who want to see God as evidence for his existence 17) A person who think earth is a magical land who can gave birth to life 18) A person who think being an atheist makes them free-thinker, skeptical, rationalist, ...

Doctrine of trinity come with BIG baggage

doctrine of trinity come with BIG baggage problem 1) god is ONE in three problem 2) one god became a man and TWO did not became man problem 3) one god on earth talking to TWO god in heaven problem 4) one god on earth does not KNOW when last days will come problem 5) ONLY one god HAVE to die for sin of man, TWO did not die for sin of man proplem 6) trinity CANT forgive human sin without shedding of BLOOD problem 7) one god on earth hiding fear of JEWS that they may kill him problem 8) one god on earth asking his other TWO for help problem 9) one god died for human's sin to save them but not ALL human are SAVE ( even god's BLOOD could not save ALL human) problem 10) jews were save from hell before one part of trinity came to the earth NOW they all screwed problem 11) what was one god THINKING 9 months in human womb? what the hell i am doing here? problem 12) trinity-God almighty creator of the universe pooping on earth problem 13) God as baby on earth his mother h...

America and Israel did 9/11

                                         America and Israel did 9/11 * America and Israel did 9/11 to destroy Saddam Hussein's STRONG Iraq FOR the Israel BUT Muslims and Islam benefited GREATLY from the 9/11 * The LOSERS of 9/11 are America and Christianity * Since 9/11 Islam is growing in the west and Christianity is DYING * The news media blamed 9/11 caused by Islam and the militant-evangelist atheists use 9/11 to spread atheism in the WEST * Without 9/11 America = Israel could NOT had bombed Iraq to STONE-AGE * The 9/11 woken up Muslims from dark dark dark-deep sleep * NOW the Muslims woken up and will PROSPER soon * The Muslim's future looks very very goods * Without the 9/11 Muslims still be sleeping in darkness without realizing become self destructive * ...

Reforming Muslims NOT Islam

Reforming Muslims NOT Islam * there is NO sects in Islam, Sunni and Shia are CULTS of satanic's mullahs * ONLY follow allah and prophet and NO one else * Ali, Abu Bakr, Hussein, Omar, Aisha, Fatima, Hassan, Osman all are DEAD and they cant help you and you should pray for them that allah show mercy to them *it is SAD that Sunni and shia divided Islam for the LOVE for the sahabahs and prophet's family then united Muslims for LOVE for ALLAH * it is SAD that SAHABAHS divided Islam for the LOVE for the POWER then unite Ummah for LOVE for ALLAH * remember sahabas were fallible human they help our prophet and they made many mistakes in life like human do... Muslims MUST respect them for their GOOD work * the CALIPHATE is unislamic satanic concept for power hungry people who is your caliph NOW? * what does GOOD come out from "Rightly Guided Khalifas'' beside division of Islam and bloodshed ? * are you going to hell for not having Khalil now? * ...

Islam is growing in the WEST and Christianity is dying

Islam is growing in the WEST and Christianity is dying Why do white western Christians converting to Islam? let me tell you what is the REAL reason so many white western Christians converting to Islam 1) Trinity makes no sense 2) Christians turned to atheism or agnosticism 3) Without religion they enjoy materialism and sex with multiple partners 4) Bored with materialism and sex 5) Became depressed 6) Want to go back to religion for peace of mind 7) Christianity makes NO sense 8) Search all other religions except Islam 9) Than studies Islam 10) Found answer to their life long questions 11) Bowed down to Allah 12) Achieved peace of mind CONCLUSION: TRINITY lead to DISBELIEVE in god AND atheist's LIFESTYLE lead to believe in god AGAIN in Quran Allah said to Christians DON'T SAY TRINITY  that will be better for you Quran (Surah 4 : Ayah 171) O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Je...