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Donald Trump is a product of islamphobia

 Donald Trump is a product of Islamophobia

i am a Muslim and i support Donald trump west NEED one more HITLER

Jews created Islamophobia for their own advantage for ISRAEL
name the few Zionist's Pamela Geller, SAM Harris, bill maher , David Horowitz

Donald trump and rise of right wing fascism in Europe / west AGAINST Muslims is a product of Islamophobia

NOW Jews AFRAID of monsters they created anti-Muslim Donald trump and rise of right wing fascism in Europe / west

Jesus: "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing."

is it Islamophobia good or bad for Muslims? GOOD, i know it is hard to understand

Islamophobia is a SHOCK therapy for Muslims to reform themselves


Islamophobia is BAD for our enemies, Islamophobia could bring civil war AMONG white race

IF civil war AMONG white race did happened in future god have mercy on the Jews

even if Donald trump did not became president of America

SOON one day another Donald trump will come to power he will be worse then this one

maybe this Donald trump is not bad but you have to worry about his evil supporters who will be electing another Donald trump in future

Jews created mindless zombies that they cannot control!

SOON this zombies will eat Jews alive NOT Muslims

Zionists radicalizing white race against Muslims for their OWN interest for Israel

but it WILL back fire

SOON this radicalized white male will became violent jihadist and Jews will be hiding from them for own their life

you reap what you sow

Quran: "But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners."


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