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People who are potential atheist

People who are potential atheist

1) An angry person

2) A person with depression

3) A rebellious person who cant obey God's order

4) A LGBTQ person

5) A person who lost loved one

6) A person who want guilt-free sex from religious dogma

7) A person who has lots of money

8) A person who think they knows everything in the universe

9) A person who think science has answer for everything

10) A person who think God is a eight foot tall white man with white beard

11) A person with low IQ

12) A person who has FAITH in scientists

13) A person who think they can refute anything

14) A person who is having hardship in life and he/she blame on God

15) A person who think religion cause war, bloodshed and atheists will bring peace on earth

16) A person who want to see God as evidence for his existence

17) A person who think earth is a magical land who can gave birth to life

18) A person who think being an atheist makes them free-thinker, skeptical, rationalist, logical and an intelligent being

19) A prideful person whether pride of higher education,  pride of money, pride of celebrity statues

20)  A person who is a LIAR, a DISHONEST and not HUMBLED

Atheists Biggest Arguments Against God

1) Science work therefore God does not exist

2) Evolution is true therefore God does not exist

3) There are too many Gods therefore YOUR God does not exist

4) Pain and suffering therefore God does not exist

5) We atheists love science and Believers in God hates science therefore God does not exist

6) The big bang is the creator of the universe  therefore God does not exist

7) We are all apes therefore God does not exist

8) We admitted there is a gap in the science therefore God of gap does not exist

9) We don't see God and we don't see multiverse BUT we believe in multiverse without evidence but
not God

10) Every living creature is a fish therefore God does not exist

11) Richard Dawkins: Alien may have created life on the earth therefore YOUR God does not exist

12) Do you believe in Leprechaun, Zeus, Santa Claus, Krishna and Fairy-tale?... NO.......therefore YOUR God does not exist

13) The Holy Trinity does not makes sense therefore God does not exist

The Dogma of ATHEIST

The belief that there was once absolutely nothing. And nothing happened to the nothing until then nothing magically exploded (for no reason), creating everything and everywhere. Then a bunch of the exploded everything magically rearranged itself (for no reason whatsoever), into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs.

* The Holy Trinity is the (MAIN) cause of atheism in the west

* The sexual immorality in the west also causing  atheism

* Atheists do not have purpose in life like your prime mates except to generate (offspring) according to atheist's theory of evolution. 

* Atheist invented the theory of evolution as alternative to God's creation to justified their disbelieve in God 

* Atheist NEVER had their own civilization 

* Atheist's favorite science, evolution and abiogenesis.

* All atheists MUST believe in the theory of evolution as  alternative to God's creation 

* God can create life ANY way he likes that include evolution, remember God can create life
INSTANT in split second

 Genesis of God

Atheist asked who created God? 

Does God have to be created being?

Couldn't God be evolved from 2 cosmic cell in 2000 trillions years by natural-selection ?
The magic WORD is 2000 trillions years AND natural-selection

Syed Muhammed Kope

Why do i believe in Prime Mover?
I believe in Prime Mover because NOTHING can create life on the earth beside Prime Mover....NOW you have to disprove my challenge

Theist will continue to believe in God UNTIL you intelligent atheist disprove existence of God.

The ball is in your court

  * Please read my blog....


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