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Doctrine of trinity come with BIG baggage

doctrine of trinity come with BIG baggage

problem 1) god is ONE in three
problem 2) one god became a man and TWO did not became man
problem 3) one god on earth talking to TWO god in heaven
problem 4) one god on earth does not KNOW when last days will come
problem 5) ONLY one god HAVE to die for sin of man, TWO did not die for sin of man
proplem 6) trinity CANT forgive human sin without shedding of BLOOD
problem 7) one god on earth hiding fear of JEWS that they may kill him
problem 8) one god on earth asking his other TWO for help
problem 9) one god died for human's sin to save them but not ALL human are SAVE ( even god's BLOOD could not save ALL human)
problem 10) jews were save from hell before one part of trinity came to the earth NOW they all screwed
problem 11) what was one god THINKING 9 months in human womb? what the hell i am doing here?
problem 12) trinity-God almighty creator of the universe pooping on earth
problem 13) God as baby on earth his mother had to change God almighty diapers
problem 14)
problem 15)

all these problems created by HOLY TRINITY
in quran allah said to christians DONT SAY TRINITY  that will be better for you

quran (Surah 4 : Ayah 171)
O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not "Trinity" : desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus
Muslim : Is Jesus the son of Mary.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Who created Mary?
Christian : God.
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian: Jesus
Muslim : Jesus is the begotten son.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Who is his father?
Christian : God.
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus.
Muslim : Jesus is a servant of God.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Jesus died on the cross?
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Who resurrected him?
Christian : God.
Muslim : Is Jesus a messenger.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Who sent him?
Christian : God.
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus.
Muslim: Did Jesus worship while on earth.
Christian: Yes
Muslim: Whom did he worship?
Christian: God.
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus.
Muslim : Did God have a beginning?
Christian : No
Muslim: Then who was born on 25/DEC?
Christian : Jesus.
Muslim : Is Jesus God.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Where's God?
Christian : In heaven.
Muslim : How many Gods are there in heaven?
Christian : Only one God.
Muslim : Where's Jesus?
Christian : He is seated on the right hand of his father.
Muslim : Then how many are they in heaven?
Christian : Only one God.
Muslim : Then how many seats?
Christian : one
Muslim : where's Jesus?
Christian: Seated next to God.
Muslim : How are they seated on one chair?
Christian : Its only understood by those with the Ghost.You need Ghost my friend. Bible says :- “... God is not the author of confusion ...”(Corinthians 14:33 )?


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